Ask the Doctor is a factual series that tackles the health issues currently faced by our nation and the current treatments medical technology can offer to address this issue. This series further explains the future of healthcare
The series follows the journey of Dr Shalin Naik, Dr Renee Lim and Dr Sandro Demaio as they go around the country to answer the questions that perplex our minds. They discuss the medical myths and how amazing the human body is.
What do you think are the biggest health issues facing Australians? Has this changed over time?
Who do you think is ultimately responsible for the health of Australians: individuals, the government, or the medical establishment?
These and more questions are asked in this factual series.
This series can be linked to the following subjects in the Australian Curriculum:
- Health and Physical Education
- Science
And the General Capabilities of:
- Ethical understanding
- Critical and Creative Thinking
It is supported by an ATOM Study Guide.