Family Rules Season 2 is an observational documentary series following the everyday triumphs and misfortunes of the Rule sisters as they balance their aspirations with the values of their mother, Daniella. This series provides an exclusive look into a contemporary Indigenous Australian family, which includes the familiar issues that face all families during adolescence, young adult life and parenthood.
In season two the lives of mother, Daniella, and the younger and middle Rule sisters, Hannah, Jessica, Aleisha, Sharna, Kelly and Kiara are the focus, while elder sisters Shenika and Angela are always on hand to give advice on their endless exploits.
The series’ overarching narrative is underpinned by individual episodes, each with their own escalating conflicts and ultimate resolutions. Running throughout is the thread of the personal journey of Daniella trying to find time for herself and juggle family obligations. Each episode focuses on a particular family member, giving an insight into challenges common to many women. The episodes are stand-alone, but build an overall picture of the concerns of the thoroughly contemporary Rule family. The series concludes with the matriarch of the family, Daniella, who says she’s not superwoman – even though everyone says she is.
The two youngest girls – Jessica and Hannah – are consumed by their adolescent dilemmas, Aleisha, sister number seven, is struggling to work out what to do with her life now school is finished and the three middle girls – Kelly, Kiara and Sharna – have returned home and are trying to navigate their early twenties alongside their frustrating but lovable younger sisters. Elder sisters Shenika and Angela attempt to keep their younger sisters in line for the sake of their mother, while she is looking forward to seeing all her daughters on the family’s ‘graduation wall’ and to finally doing something for herself. Navigating life in a family with nine sisters presents its own unique challenges and when Daniella is suddenly not at their beck and call, everyone has something to say about it.
Curriculum links
Family Rules Season 2 is most suitable for Middle and Senior Secondary Students (Years 9 – 12).
The series includes some low level swearing. It is recommended that teachers view the series before showing it to students. The issues explored could also make the documentary suitable for screening to younger students taking part in targeted personal learning programs.
General understandings addressed in the documentary:
• Adolescent injuries
• Personal journeys
• Contemporary family life
• Relationships and support
Summary of links to the National Curriculum:
Learning areas
• English
• Health and PE
• Media
• Drama
General Capabilities
• Personal and social capability
• Intercultural understanding Cross Curriculum Priorities
• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures
ATOM study guide
An ATOM Study Guide has been created for ‘Family Rules Season 2’ and is available to download here.