Meet the ATOMVic Executive & Board

The ATOMVic Board oversees all ATOMVic and ATOM National Publication operations and is elected through a formal process under our rules of association, which have been drafted using the Consumer Affairs model rules for incorporated associations and are compliant with the Victorian Governments Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012.

ATOMVic Executive

Peter Anstee

ATOMVic Board Chair

Peter Anstee is currently the chair of ATOM Vic, a position held for two years – charged with
the responsibility to renew the association by modernisation the constitution and policy
documents and to build more robust partnerships especially with the department of
education. Peter is also the Learning Area Media Studies coordinator and lecturer at the
faculty of education at Melbourne University where his research focus is in promoting
media education and media literacy. Peter has held this position for twelve years and his
doctorate focus is in Media Literacy as a wellbeing issue.

Peter has not only worked as a media teacher across all year levels in a secondary school
but has been a media exam assessor for ten years, he has also been involved in writing the
media exam for four years and was the panel chair for the exam for three years. Peter was
also part of the team that redesigned the new study guide and has been involved with the
VCAA working across this fields and in developing assessment. Peter has had many years of experience in the television and film industry working in the U.K. and in the U.S.A. In a
number of production and development roles. He has also produced and directed television
commercials in Australia and around Europe. His pathway into media education was in
working with young people at risk in the UK which prompted him to gain a master’s degree
from Melbourne University to work as a teacher before graduating to the tertiary
environment becoming a specialist in media education.

Travis McKenzie

Chair of Education Committee, ATOM
ATOMVic Board Member and Executive
Arts and Technology Learning Area Leader, Wurun Senior Campus
Curriculum consultant, VCAA
Sessional workshop facilitator, Victoria University
Educational writer, AEUnews

I have been working as a Media, Art and English teacher for over 20 years and have been a consultant with VCAA in the development of study designs and curriculum resources. I have a deep commitment to creativity and critical thinking in education, and as the Chair of ATOM education committee, I am fortunate to work with like-minded teachers across the state.
In my work with ATOM I have developed many professional learning events and resources for Media teachers across Victoria. With over 20 years’ experience teaching Media, English and Visual Arts in London, Collingwood College and Fitzroy High, I currently lead the Arts and Technology team at Wurun Senior Campus, where I have established a highly successful VCE Arts curriculum.

I am also a sessional workshop facilitator at Victoria University, and have published research on the use of Video Essays in English and Media classes. I have been a curriculum writer for ACARA and VCAA, revising the VCE Media Study Design as well as Art: Making and Exhibiting, and I was on the Top Screen selection panel.

Since 2019, I have also written a column for AEUNews Victoria, in which I reflect on contemporary problems facing educators.

Emma McCulloch

ATOMVic Board Member and Executive

Emma has been a media teacher for 15 years and is currently the Head of Performing Arts at Thornbury High School. Here, she leads crazy and exciting projects like a kids’ TV show and feature films for the school’s bi-annual production. Emma is also undertaking her PhD at Monash University, where she is creating a documentary film about how the Arts connect students with their schools and communities. She is the director and co-founder of ‘Advancing Female Leaders in Education’ (AFLE). You might also recognise her from popping up in Year 12 productions on YouTube, presenting the VCE Media curriculum for Edrolo or from her appearances with ATOM; an organisation she loves being part of!

ATOMVic Board

  • Quinton Li – Secretary
  • Christine Evely
  • Daniel Hennequin
  • Brett Jenkins
  • Kayla McCarthy
  • Robert Young
  • Nick Zomer
  • Alison Duffy